Mar 3, 2009


Last Saturday I preached a message in the nursing home I minister at entitled, "The Appointment You Must Keep."  We can make or break most appointments, but there is one that we can't break because it is with God Almighty.  The time of our death is not known to us, but the fact remains that there will be a day that our soul will go into eternity.  If you have accepted Christ's gift of eternal life and are depending fully on his grace, according to the Bible you possess eternal life.  While I was preaching, heaven, thoughts of eternal life and the fact that I don't have to spend eternity dying in utter darkness away from God kept playing in my mind.  I just couldn't stop thinking of how much I have to praise the Lord for.

Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
(Psalms 32:1)


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