Apr 20, 2010

No Demerits & College Work Party

Wow, it is great to so that "white glove" is over, and I didn't get any demerits! Yesterday started off by scurrying around trying to finish those "last minute 'white glove' details". All dormitory students had to be out of the dorms by 7:30 a.m.. Well, we all meandered up to the dinning hall, some later than others, and commenced eating (or serving) breakfast. All those who were on the losing team for Volleyball Marathon had to serve the winning team (the I happened to be on... I really feel guilty, because I only played about 10 minutes of volleyball).

After breakfast, we started the college work party which lasted until about noon. All morning, I cleared off sand and gravel from the roads and parking lots on the church property. At about 11:30 yesterday morning, I was busy "sweeping" a road when a big gust of wind came up and blew the pile of sand and silt that I was moving, right into my face. After the dust settled, I was left standing there blinking my eyes trying to clear the debris out. Nothing new, I've gotten dirt in my eyes before... after a few blinks its gone, right? Eight hours later, after rinsing my right eye under the water for a grand total of 4 times (5 minutes each time) and having my eye water and itch and still feel a piece of sand (or who knows what) irritating my eye... I decided to throw in the towel and head for the doctor (I really don't like to go to the doctor).

Julian (my roommate - thank goodness for him) and I drove to the hospital in Valparaiso (a small city 15 minutes south). The funny thing was... on the way, whatever was irritating my eye came out. Well, I decided it would be best to at least have them look at it. After a relatively short wait, the doctor examined my eye and gave me a good report. No debris and no scratches.

Well, I felt justified in going to the E.R. since I haven't been to the doctor in four years, and this was only the second time I've gone to the hospital for myself. You meet a lot of interesting people and hear some "peculiar" stories in the E.R. waiting room. Maybe I'll write a post about that some time.


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