Wow, its hard to believe that school will be out in just 6 weeks. I am really looking forward to this summer. I will be working at my home church. One of the many benefits of being home is being home. ...profound, I know. Over the last four years, I have been away from my family for a total of three of those (when you take out the summers - I was home for those...) I am a pretty independent person, and I truly appreciate my "freedom", but there's nothing like Mom's home-cooked meals, and the joy of spending quality time with Dad, Mom and Ashlee.
Well, I will be completely finished with college in December, and that will be a tremendous day! Besides having college in the rear-view mirror, and at home with the family... I will be able to go on vacations with everyone else. Last October, from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Mississippi, and Texas, my parents, sisters, brother in-laws, and grandparents met in Branson, Missouri and spent a great week together. I unfortunately was in college... It has been like that on numerous occasions. Just a couple of weeks ago my parents and sister flew to Texas to celebrate my three nephews' birthdays (one of which I haven't met yet...). I wasn't able to go because, yes, I am in college...
Well, let me tell you, I can't wait until the Monday after schools out in 6 weeks. My grandma and I are flying down to Mississippi for 5 days, and then over to Texas to spend some quality time with my sisters, their husbands and their children. What a blessing!
A New Direction, A New Ministry
10 years ago
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